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FruadCentral LLC

About FraudCentral.io

About FraudCentral LLC.
FraudCentral was created because of the treatment Intermediate Carriers currently receive from various U.S. Government Departments. Not many companies or decent RMD systems are truly trying to eliminate robocalls or are even effective in eliminating robocalls. Let alone trying to provide a product to intermediate carriers that works well. Not to say they don’t exist, but we haven’t found one yet! Most RMD systems use ANI analytics which, frankly, is near pointless.
All FraudCentral Members have owned and operated several Intermediate Carrier companies and have received the same treatment themselves from various Government Departments. We will take a guess and say you are probably getting treated the same way.
We understand in most cases, Tracebacks are not your fault; Intermediate Carriers only have so much visibility on their network. We understand the dread you get when your business has received yet another traceback, even though you are working hard to remove bad actors from your network.
We understand it’s a game of Wack a Mole. If you are anything like us, you probably don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel right now. Between Civil investigation demands, Subpoenas, Tracebacks, and the Robocall Tasks force.
Many RMD systems being released to the market are not helping intermediate carriers. It is simply a cash grab trying to get your hard earned money and using your fear to sell you the products.
There are also RMD systems on the market that are available, but they forget to mention some information these RMD systems are getting from you is being sent to the Traceback Group.
FraudCentral is all about helping its customers to eliminate illegal Robocalls from their network. Illegal Robocalls exist on most networks, no matter who you are. Bad Actors go to great lengths to get their calls connected. They have the money, time, and manpower to have huge organized setups, and let’s not forget they are laughing all the way to the bank because they know how to get around KYC Requirements, ANI blocking, RMD Blocking, DNO Blockings & Stir/Shaken.
FraudCentral LLC Robocall Mitigation Systems can shut down thousands of servers sending illegal robocalls within minutes. FraudCentral RoboGuard® truly is one of the most effective RMD systems on the market. That’s why none of FraudCentrals products have contracts!